Ayngaran Foundation, a Registered Spiritual Non Profit Organization located in the Divine & Serene Town of Palani, TamilNadu, is dedicated to the establishment of a new and better way of life for everyone in the world based on the fulfillment of the divine plan for humanity. Its educational activities promote recognition and practice of the spiritual principles and values upon which a stable and interdependent world society may be based. Ayngaran Foundation is managed by our Founder Mr. Sasi Krishnasamy and our Chairman Mr. Vince Thomas.
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Ayngaran's Meditation Center
Calm the Mind and the Soul will Speak. The thing about meditation is you become more and more you.
The purpose of this project is to establish meditation centre , We wish to speak out to all peoples and people, who are ready to support this project, who accept hindu teaching of mind development through meditation. All these people are welcome to take part in this project.
We offer several possibilities, how to do that: donations (Dana) that will be targeted towards development of meditation centre and project; volunteer work during retreats and in construction; taking part in retreats; using skills (ie. development of web page, architecture, construction).
Also it will be possible to state exactly for which purpose the donations should be used, for example construction of meditation hall, teacher's . Making such offerings, according to tradition, is a wholesome deed that will be very beneficial to the donator and bring good carmic results in future.
From our side we will provide volunteers with help in organising visas, accommodation and food. We do all our actions with maximum transparency, so donators can see how these donations are being used. It is possible to donate anonymously or personally - names of donators will be recorded in special list and by end of project we will create a memorial plank with donator's names on it.
Get to know about our Founder & Chairman
We take this opportunity to thank all our stakeholders for the support they have given us throughout promoting this good cause.
Veda | Meditation | Dharma
About 6000 years ago, there was only one religion in the whole world, whose name was Sanatana Dharma and also called Vedic Religion. The simple meaning of Sanatan Vedic religion was to live life in the manner described in the Vedas.
The Vedas are the root of Hinduism. The Veda mantras so learnt should become the guide for the daily life of a Hindu because it is believed that it is by practicing the Vedic injunctions, we can obtain the grace of God both for individual welfare and that of the world.
The human body is the temple of God. One who kindles the light of awareness within gets true light. The sacred flame of your inner shrine is constantly bright. The experience of unity is the fulfillment of human endeavors.The mysteries of life are revealed.
Vedas are the origin from which everything has branched out. If you try to get their meaning, you will end up creating one more branch. Just feel the vibe of Mantras.
The Vedas cover all fields of knowledge both material and spiritual. The Vedas constitute the principal source of ancient wisdom and the Upavedas and Upanishads are an integral part of the vedic texts.
The Vedas cover all fields of knowledge both material and spiritual. The Vedas constitute the principal source of ancient wisdom and the Upavedas and Upanishads are an integral part of the vedic texts.
Different texts give different lists of the duties, but in general sanatana dharma consists of virtues such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings, purity, goodwill, mercy, patience, forbearance, self-restraint, generosity, and asceticism.
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