Veda Education
Vedic literature is supposed to be a part of our daily life.Its nothing to do with employment opportunities . It would be great if we can have it as a essential subject in school itself. Vedic education is the core foundation of India's culture & rich heritage. No one can be called educated who cannot preserve and expand his cultural heritage.This study is about the importance of vedic ideals of education in the modern education system.The need of this study is to maintain the discipline in the modern educational institutes and to create cordial relation between teacher and student.This study can convince the modern generation that in order to achieve high ideal of perfect mastery over senses,in order to erect the ideal of truth, the ideal of liberty,the ideal of equality and ideals of peace and unity then we need to accept the ideals of vedic education.
The practice and utilization of Vedic knowledge can indeed assist us in many ways. Vedic education is the solution to all problems which we presently find in this world. We need to look now deeper view to find out the answers and solutions.
The formation of character by proper development of the moral feeling was aim of vedic education. Therefore the direct aim of all education, whether literary or professional, should be to make the student fit to become a useful member of society.Education ought to develop man's ideal nature by giving him a sure moral feeling and enabling him to control his original animal nature. The aims and ideals of Vedic education were to promote simultaneous and harmonious development. Men are social beings,vedic education not only emphasized social duties but also promoted social happiness.
Importance of Vedic education in Modern Era
- The Vedic education system in one of the the oldest education system of the India and this Vedic education was independently born in the ancient India.
- The main focus of the Vedic education system is to properly develop the moral, spiritual and intellectual aspects of a learner.
- So, basically the Vedic education gives the teaching of being a better human being which is also necessary in the modern period also.
- That's why,the Vedic education system is still important to some extent, in this modern 21st century.